Sunday, August 26, 2007

Miami Ink/L.A. Ink

I've been a fan of Miami ink for a while. I'll watch any tattoo show just because I love to see the different kinds of body art that people get but this show is addictive! The guys seem like they have a pretty good relationship and even the fights make the show better. Plus Nunez is CUTE!

I've only seen one episode of LA ink (I think...maybe it was two...I wasn't sure because they seemed to mesh together). I like it so far but Kat seems less profressional on this show. I guess it's just because she's just getting started. She's SUCH a talented artist though!

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chocolate Molten Cake

I went to Chilis the other day and had this...I get it every time I go, no matter how full I am. It's sooo good! Once you cut into the middle of the warm cake, chocolate sauce oozes out. Plus I love cracking through that chocolate shell on the ice cream. It's almost too much for one person but it's sure worth the sugar rush!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

For the love of chocolate

This is a book that a friend of mine gave me. There's lots of interesting facts about chocolate and even a few recipes. I think I'm going to try the chocolate chip cookies with chopped pecans in them...yum!

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